『 專屬於妳的暖心時刻』~ 午餐好夥伴 這個小袋子,真的無法裝得下太大的水瓶. 裏頭是專屬於妳的一份. 剛好可以讓妳獨享一人份的優閒時光. 防水外層與繽紛多彩的棉布結合 尺寸裝得下市面常見的隨手杯或保溫瓶 ---------------- Water bottle Carrier is make of waterproof material,which is lightweight and comfortable,it is Great for Stainless Steel and plastic bottles, travel mug,it will fully protect your bottle surface from being scratched, scraping, extrusion and so on. ---------------- 型號:C8XS尺寸:6.5(L) x 7(W) x 22(H) cm
『 專屬於妳的暖心時刻』~ 午餐好夥伴 這個小袋子,真的無法裝得下太大的水瓶. 裏頭是專屬於妳的一份. 剛好可以讓妳獨享一人份的優閒時光. 防水外層與繽紛多彩的棉布結合 尺寸裝得下市面常見的隨手杯或保溫瓶 ---------------- Water bottle Carrier is make of waterproof material,which is lightweight and comfortable,it is Great for Stainless Steel and plastic bottles, travel mug,it will fully protect your bottle surface from being scratched, scraping, extrusion and so on. ---------------- 型號:C8XS尺寸:6.5(L) x 7(W) x 22(H) cm
『 專屬於妳的暖心時刻』~ 午餐好夥伴 這個小袋子,真的無法裝得下太大的水瓶. 裏頭是專屬於妳的一份. 剛好可以讓妳獨享一人份的優閒時光. 防水外層與繽紛多彩的棉布結合 尺寸裝得下市面常見的隨手杯或保溫瓶 ---------------- Water bottle Carrier is make of waterproof material,which is lightweight and comfortable,it is Great for Stainless Steel and plastic bottles, travel mug,it will fully protect your bottle surface from being scratched, scraping, extrusion and so on. ---------------- 型號:C8XS尺寸:6.5(L) x 7(W) x 22(H) cm
『 專屬於妳的暖心時刻』~ 午餐好夥伴 這個小袋子,真的無法裝得下太大的水瓶. 裏頭是專屬於妳的一份. 剛好可以讓妳獨享一人份的優閒時光. 防水外層與繽紛多彩的棉布結合 尺寸裝得下市面常見的隨手杯或保溫瓶 ---------------- Water bottle Carrier is make of waterproof material,which is lightweight and comfortable,it is Great for Stainless Steel and plastic bottles, travel mug,it will fully protect your bottle surface from being scratched, scraping, extrusion and so on. ---------------- 型號:C8XS尺寸:6.5(L) x 7(W) x 22(H) cm
『 專屬於妳的暖心時刻』~ 午餐好夥伴 這個小袋子,真的無法裝得下太大的水瓶. 裏頭是專屬於妳的一份. 剛好可以讓妳獨享一人份的優閒時光. 防水外層與繽紛多彩的棉布結合 尺寸裝得下市面常見的隨手杯或保溫瓶 ---------------- Water bottle Carrier is make of waterproof material,which is lightweight and comfortable,it is Great for Stainless Steel and plastic bottles, travel mug,it will fully protect your bottle surface from being scratched, scraping, extrusion and so on. ---------------- 型號:C8XS尺寸:6.5(L) x 7(W) x 22(H) cm
『 專屬於妳的暖心時刻』~ 午餐好夥伴 這個小袋子,真的無法裝得下太大的水瓶. 裏頭是專屬於妳的一份. 剛好可以讓妳獨享一人份的優閒時光. 防水外層與繽紛多彩的棉布結合 尺寸裝得下市面常見的隨手杯或保溫瓶 ---------------- Water bottle Carrier is make of waterproof material,which is lightweight and comfortable,it is Great for Stainless Steel and plastic bottles, travel mug,it will fully protect your bottle surface from being scratched, scraping, extrusion and so on. ---------------- 型號:C8XS尺寸:6.5(L) x 7(W) x 22(H) cm
『 專屬於妳的暖心時刻』~ 午餐好夥伴 這個小袋子,真的無法裝得下太大的水瓶. 裏頭是專屬於妳的一份. 剛好可以讓妳獨享一人份的優閒時光. 防水外層與繽紛多彩的棉布結合 尺寸裝得下市面常見的隨手杯或保溫瓶 ---------------- Water bottle Carrier is make of waterproof material,which is lightweight and comfortable,it is Great for Stainless Steel and plastic bottles, travel mug,it will fully protect your bottle surface from being scratched, scraping, extrusion and so on. ---------------- 型號:C8XS尺寸:6.5(L) x 7(W) x 22(H) cm
一抽一拉 /抽張衛生紙來潔淨生活的髒汙. /去除單調的外包裝, /讓他增加點行動力,可掛的設計, /讓他可以陪你上山下海.
【內層】 一邊有個大拉鍊口袋另外一邊雙層口袋雖然包包的開口不是做成密封的但相信我 當你裝東西後 還可以把手伸進去的可能只剩外星人的觸手了 【說明】1.要方便拿相機或紙筆紀錄出來拍照 (正面魔鬼氈的開口)2.票卡或飯店名片需保管收納 (正面小開口)3.放觀光景點拿的導覽還是優惠券(正面拉鍊大開口)4.護照要安全的放著 (所以內層加開一個拉鍊開口)
【內層】 一邊有個大拉鍊口袋另外一邊雙層口袋雖然包包的開口不是做成密封的但相信我 當你裝東西後 還可以把手伸進去的可能只剩外星人的觸手了 【說明】1.要方便拿相機或紙筆紀錄出來拍照 (正面魔鬼氈的開口)2.票卡或飯店名片需保管收納 (正面小開口)3.放觀光景點拿的導覽還是優惠券(正面拉鍊大開口)4.護照要安全的放著 (所以內層加開一個拉鍊開口)