"軽便簡単"是外出的関鍵 快快感受軽便外出的美好 外出的基本物件,水瓶錢包手機及隨身的小物品。 所以包包的高度可以放得下一瓶礦泉水,長夾也可以置放 ,內層是沒有裏布的設計,也減少了拉鍊。 就是一款單純簡單的小提袋。 This small tote is perfect for using as a purse, lunch sack, gift bag, and more. Lightweight, and wide at the bottom for easy loading, Enough for your drink or water bottle
"軽便簡単"是外出的関鍵 快快感受軽便外出的美好 外出的基本物件,水瓶錢包手機及隨身的小物品。 所以包包的高度可以放得下一瓶礦泉水,長夾也可以置放 ,內層是沒有裏布的設計,也減少了拉鍊。 就是一款單純簡單的小提袋。 This small tote is perfect for using as a purse, lunch sack, gift bag, and more. Lightweight, and wide at the bottom for easy loading, Enough for your drink or water bottle
『冰霸杯攜行袋』~ 尺寸裝得下市面常見的冰壩杯及悶燒罐。 去塑化的現在,外帶飲品搭配冰壩杯 你需要一個乘載的提帶 純色尼龍裏層防水處理 尺寸裝得下市面常見的冰壩杯及悶燒罐.
『方形大容量的首選』 除了裝泡麵,超商咖啡也可以來6杯 袋裝衛生紙也可以來6包 底部大大方方讓他裝載更平穩 PROTECT YOUR GIFT(OR GOODIES) We give you a bag that’s sturdy and made with waterproof febric to reduce the risk of tearing. The handles are carefully fastened, too. Each bag has a rectangular bottom, and easily stands up on it’s own. This makes your job easier - since putting gifts, drinks, or groceries into a self standing bag makes your life easier.
『方形大容量的首選』 除了裝泡麵,超商咖啡也可以來6杯 袋裝衛生紙也可以來6包 底部大大方方讓他裝載更平穩 PROTECT YOUR GIFT(OR GOODIES) We give you a bag that’s sturdy and made with waterproof febric to reduce the risk of tearing. The handles are carefully fastened, too. Each bag has a rectangular bottom, and easily stands up on it’s own. This makes your job easier - since putting gifts, drinks, or groceries into a self standing bag makes your life easier.
『方形大容量的首選』 除了裝泡麵,超商咖啡也可以來6杯 袋裝衛生紙也可以來6包 底部大大方方讓他裝載更平穩 PROTECT YOUR GIFT(OR GOODIES) We give you a bag that’s sturdy and made with waterproof febric to reduce the risk of tearing. The handles are carefully fastened, too. Each bag has a rectangular bottom, and easily stands up on it’s own. This makes your job easier - since putting gifts, drinks, or groceries into a self standing bag makes your life easier.
『方形大容量的首選』 除了裝泡麵,超商咖啡也可以來6杯 袋裝衛生紙也可以來6包 底部大大方方讓他裝載更平穩 PROTECT YOUR GIFT(OR GOODIES) We give you a bag that’s sturdy and made with waterproof febric to reduce the risk of tearing. The handles are carefully fastened, too. Each bag has a rectangular bottom, and easily stands up on it’s own. This makes your job easier - since putting gifts, drinks, or groceries into a self standing bag makes your life easier.
『方形大容量的首選』 除了裝泡麵,超商咖啡也可以來6杯 袋裝衛生紙也可以來6包 底部大大方方讓他裝載更平穩 PROTECT YOUR GIFT(OR GOODIES) We give you a bag that’s sturdy and made with waterproof febric to reduce the risk of tearing. The handles are carefully fastened, too. Each bag has a rectangular bottom, and easily stands up on it’s own. This makes your job easier - since putting gifts, drinks, or groceries into a self standing bag makes your life easier.
『方形大容量的首選』 除了裝泡麵,超商咖啡也可以來6杯 袋裝衛生紙也可以來6包 底部大大方方讓他裝載更平穩 PROTECT YOUR GIFT(OR GOODIES) We give you a bag that’s sturdy and made with waterproof febric to reduce the risk of tearing. The handles are carefully fastened, too. Each bag has a rectangular bottom, and easily stands up on it’s own. This makes your job easier - since putting gifts, drinks, or groceries into a self standing bag makes your life easier.
『方形大容量的首選』 除了裝泡麵,超商咖啡也可以來6杯 袋裝衛生紙也可以來6包 底部大大方方讓他裝載更平穩 PROTECT YOUR GIFT(OR GOODIES) We give you a bag that’s sturdy and made with waterproof febric to reduce the risk of tearing. The handles are carefully fastened, too. Each bag has a rectangular bottom, and easily stands up on it’s own. This makes your job easier - since putting gifts, drinks, or groceries into a self standing bag makes your life easier.