可置放A4資料夾/一般的補習袋多製作成直式的 /但身材嬌小的人 /直式的補習袋就會拖地./製作橫式的補習袋來解這問題, /提帶也加長可肩揹.
『方形大容量的首選』 除了裝泡麵,超商咖啡也可以來6杯 袋裝衛生紙也可以來6包 底部大大方方讓他裝載更平穩 PROTECT YOUR GIFT(OR GOODIES) We give you a bag that’s sturdy and made with waterproof febric to reduce the risk of tearing. The handles are carefully fastened, too. Each bag has a rectangular bottom, and easily stands up on it’s own. This makes your job easier - since putting gifts, drinks, or groceries into a self standing bag makes your life easier.
『床套五件組的寢具收納』~小寶貝的午睡收納 可完整收納兩個枕頭套、床單、被套、小抱枕套 可便利的收納幼兒園的午睡墊、小毯子、枕頭 家用大容量的收納用具 ur bags are made from heavy-duty PVC material for exceptional toughness as well as resistance to punctures and wearing compared to polypropylene or plastic alternatives. For Toddler Boys and Girls, Ideal for Daycare and Preschool. This bag is sure to storing your childs nap mat with pillow and blanket. Its travel-friendly design makes it easy for your little one to take their Nap Mat to-and-from school, sleepovers and more. Stow your freshly washed pillows and bed covers wherever you want to. Use our comfortable handles to put them anywhere in your home for compact storage.
外出購物漫遊的好包包 365天都可以使用 I want to use it every day //產品結構// 內層有一個開放式內袋 背面有一個拉鍊式口袋 肩帶為尼龍織帶 面料材質為防水布 拉鍊開口(開口無密合) 底部寬大