『方形大容量的首選』 除了裝泡麵,超商咖啡也可以來6杯 袋裝衛生紙也可以來6包 底部大大方方讓他裝載更平穩 PROTECT YOUR GIFT(OR GOODIES) We give you a bag that’s sturdy and made with waterproof febric to reduce the risk of tearing. The handles are carefully fastened, too. Each bag has a rectangular bottom, and easily stands up on it’s own. This makes your job easier - since putting gifts, drinks, or groceries into a self standing bag makes your life easier.
小物收納用,線控耳機、充電線、隨身藥品、 還有些無法細分的建構生活的小玩意. Use to collect coins,changes,keys,little cosmetic,cards,headset,USB charger and other baubles. It's a ideal litte bag for outdoor activities,shopping,travelling,etc.
『伸縮自如的證件錢包 』 雙面的卡片置放層,一般門禁卡可置放,不用 取出卡片即可通過讀卡感應。 2 large clear ID window ,Front anf Back Card Slots for easy management and access. 1 zipper pocket in the middle. Clear layout and compact design is made for your easy access to coin and credit cards. 頸繩與伸縮拉拉的搭配讓整體可以活動長度到了76公分. 讓你不用特別取下就可以優雅刷卡進站!! This badge holder has a retractable lanyard, which able to extend to 41 cm, you just need to pull your badge holder and swipe your cards and through the door elegantly and fastly rather than take it off or struggle to get your body close to the card reader. 型號:A12 尺寸:10.5(L) x 1.2(W) x 7 (H) cm
『 口金化妝包』~隨身補妝小物 以日常使用為起點將隨身補妝的小物,裝載在繽紛感十足的小包. 是隨身化妝包亦是甜美十足的生活小物 Whenever travelling or shopping, you can put it into good use with your mobile phone, lipsticks, mirror and others stored in it. 使用ㄇ型的開口讓視野更好,但要注意開合的時候,還請先將開口闔起後再拉鍊,避免將拉片拉斷! 型號:E4S 尺寸:17(L) x 8.2(W) x 10(H) cm 註: