『 小尺寸零錢包』~ 大容量收納好夥伴
SIMPLE BUT PRACTICAL - Very simple design, practical for everyday use; perfect size for a bit of change, a few coins and keys; keepyour coins, car keys, or any other small items handy while you are on the go with
this cute little zipper coin purse .
尺寸:7.2 ( L) x 4 ( W) x 7 (H) cm
不僅是證件套,側邊的拉鍊小口袋,讓您可以帶點零錢. 在投販賣機時的當下,不用還要另外帶著零錢包. 正反各可置放兩張卡片.在多的置放空間也沒有了. 畢竟這只是一個掛在脖子上的證件套.
Drinks Carrier Bag 輕便好收納的飲料提袋,從超商的咖啡、瓶裝 600cc的可樂、手搖飲的700cc或是600cc的 保溫瓶到1000cc的冷水壺通通裝得下
背面的卡片置放層,一般門禁卡可置放,不用 取出卡片即可通過讀卡感應。搭配伸縮扣環, 在使用上更為便利!! Functional and Pratical:1 card slots,zipper pocket, keychain with telescopic rope Clear layout and compact design is made for your easy access to coin and credit cards