『大樂譜袋』~ 滿足上課或是購物的裝載需求 。
.This tote lets you hold everything you need to sail the day,while looking good and feeling great about it.
.The bag's topped by two sturdy handles for day-long com-fortable wear on your arm or shoulder
.The inner surface reveals a spacious main compartment, leaving you enough room for your essentials so whatever stuff you need, you can place it all inside this bag
尺寸: 37( L) x 11.5x 27 (H) cm
『 小尺寸零錢包』~ 大容量收納好夥伴 總是習慣得拿出大鈔,換來頗具份量的零錢. 省錢從化零為整開始,替你的零錢找個家. 消費前請注意一下這可愛的小袋子!! ---------------- SIMPLE BUT PRACTICAL - Very simple design, practical for everyday use; perfect size for a bit of change, a few coins and keys; keepyour coins, car keys, or any other small items handy while you are on the go with this cute little zipper coin purse . ---------------- 型號:A1 尺寸:7.2 ( L) x 4 ( W) x 7 (H) cm
超輕薄材料選用,採聚酯纖維製作的一杯袋,易於摺疊收納,清潔上採清水擦拭即可。 整體重量只有6g!! Drinks Carrier Bag 輕便好收納的飲料提袋,從超商的咖啡、瓶裝 600cc的可樂、手搖飲的700cc或是600cc的 保溫瓶到1000cc的冷水壺通通裝得下