『 專屬於妳的暖心時刻』~ 午餐好夥伴 這個小袋子,真的無法裝得下太大的水瓶. 裏頭是專屬於妳的一份. 剛好可以讓妳獨享一人份的優閒時光. 防水外層與繽紛多彩的棉布結合 尺寸裝得下市面常見的隨手杯或保溫瓶 ---------------- Water bottle Carrier is make of waterproof material,which is lightweight and comfortable,it is Great for Stainless Steel and plastic bottles, travel mug,it will fully protect your bottle surface from being scratched, scraping, extrusion and so on. ---------------- 型號:C8XS尺寸:6.5(L) x 7(W) x 22(H) cm
『 口金化妝包』~隨身補妝小物 以日常使用為起點將隨身補妝的小物,裝載在繽紛感十足的小包. 是隨身化妝包亦是甜美十足的生活小物 Whenever travelling or shopping, you can put it into good use with your mobile phone, lipsticks, mirror and others stored in it. 使用ㄇ型的開口讓視野更好,但要注意開合的時候,還請先將開口闔起後再拉鍊,避免將拉片拉斷! 型號:E4S 尺寸:17(L) x 8.2(W) x 10(H) cm 註: