/ 你的包,建構你的生活.
以一個媽媽的角度來做設計。上市場時錢包和手機是不能離身, 但左提水果右拿豬五花,再多拿個長夾手機包是在考驗媽媽雜耍 技能嘛!! 而在人多擁擠的市場盡管治安良好,也還是有扒手出沒,你可以 試看看這款地方媽媽的好夥伴!!
不是裝不下 只是我們沒有一個結構適合的錢包 再見,擁擠不堪的小傢伙 再見,手忙腳亂的自己 來一個小巧易攜的錢包 //產品結構// 外層雙拉鍊開口 側邊附掛環 隨包附贈防水點點布手腕繩 外層為尼龍布料 內層為尼龍內裏
『床套五件組的寢具收納』~小寶貝的午睡收納 可完整收納兩個枕頭套、床單、被套、小抱枕套 可便利的收納幼兒園的午睡墊、小毯子、枕頭 家用大容量的收納用具 ur bags are made from heavy-duty PVC material for exceptional toughness as well as resistance to punctures and wearing compared to polypropylene or plastic alternatives. For Toddler Boys and Girls, Ideal for Daycare and Preschool. This bag is sure to storing your childs nap mat with pillow and blanket. Its travel-friendly design makes it easy for your little one to take their Nap Mat to-and-from school, sleepovers and more. Stow your freshly washed pillows and bed covers wherever you want to. Use our comfortable handles to put them anywhere in your home for compact storage.