適合輕便外出,只想攜帶錢包、餐盒、飲料等簡單的物品 。輕薄的尺寸可摺疊收納在日常使用的大包中,外出用餐 就派上用場了。 早餐、午餐、晚餐或是只是逛街的小提袋。 瓶裝600c.c以及星巴克特大杯也可置入,右圖即是置放範 例。 You can carry lunch boxes, snacks, drinks, they are very lightweight tote bags, you can also use it as a picnic bags, sundries bags or shopping bags.
輕量化的雨傘布,讓整體重量達到18g。 更加輕薄讓摺疊收納更加便利。 在正面使用下可以容納兩杯冰霸杯(700cc寶特瓶) 當妳不需要兩杯使用時,只要將包包翻面就可以變成一杯袋使用。
『適合裝飲料/ 保溫瓶/ 雨傘/ 紅酒』 高度適合裝載1500CC的水瓶、保溫瓶 ,置放紅酒或是700CC酒類瓶身也合適 . 附註:此提袋無保溫的功能! Our water bottle carrier will be a good helper for your bottle when going outside and it can greatly free your hands. This portable water carrier is suitable for various bottles for 1500ml, such as, stainless steel, glass, plastic bottles, sport and energy drinks. It can better protect your bottle from being scratched, scraping, extrusion and so on. Water bottle carrier can only play the role of protecting the water bottle and making it easy to carry the water bottle, and does not have the effect of keeping the water bottle warm and cold. 型號:C8M 尺寸:13(W) x 13(L) x 27(H) cm
小物收納用,線控耳機、充電線、隨身藥品、 還有些無法細分的建構生活的小玩意. Use to collect coins,changes,keys,little cosmetic,cards,headset,USB charger and other baubles. It's a ideal litte bag for outdoor activities,shopping,travelling,etc.