一般市售家用筷約為24cm,隨行筷約在21cm, 可攜帶家庭慣用的筷子, 可避免使用漂白有毒的免洗筷. 食安上讓自已用的安心,外層防水材質,避免 油膩沾汙.尺寸上適合四口之家外出使用.
尼龍與格紋的布料搭配出高級感的"大人系單品" 輕薄材質讓你攜帶更為方便 以每日使用為發想,製作個陪你生活的小物 型號:A13 尺寸:12.5(L)x 1.5(W)x 8(H)cm
「手機的貼心收納夥伴」~「輕巧防水設計,讓手機與小物各得其所」 型號:B1XL 尺寸:19(L) x 1(W) x 11 (H) cm 適用手機外觀尺寸:18 x 10.5 cm L型拉鍊輕輕滑開,手機與耳機各得其所,小卡片也悄然藏於內層格間。防水材質與輕巧設計,宛如日常的一抹從容,將繁瑣的物品妥帖收納,亦將生活的細節悉心呵護。無論是悠然漫步還是匆匆出門,它始終靜靜相伴,為你留存一份秩序與優雅。 With a gentle slide of the L-shaped zipper, your phone, earbuds, and cards find their perfect place. Crafted from water-resistant material and designed with a lightweight structure, it brings a touch of ease to your everyday routine. Thoughtfully organized to keep your essentials secure, this pouch quietly accompanies you—whether on leisurely strolls or busy errands—offering both elegance and order in one graceful design.