皮夾是收納金錢和隨身證件的工具之一. 它代表我在生活上是獨立自主的人. 不僅單純收納我每天真實生活的必需品, 而是在許多情況下, 提供了實際生活的其他可能 //產品結構// 16張卡片置放 2層紙鈔置放層 1個拉鍊夾層 金色磁扣開闔 背面另有小費袋設計
不是裝不下 只是我們沒有一個結構適合的錢包 再見,擁擠不堪的小傢伙 再見,手忙腳亂的自己 來一個小巧易攜的錢包 //產品結構// 外層雙拉鍊開口 側邊附掛環 隨包附贈防水點點布手腕繩 外層為防水布料 內層為尼龍內裏
9個卡位(單卡位可收納2張卡片)+2個收納小格 信用卡/名片都適用 輕便卡片收納 SMALL&COMPACT: Very small size - 4.33" *2.76"*0.98"(11*7*2.5 CM).Zip around desig- ned wallet keep your cards, cash and coin- s safe. Accordion card slots organize your cards well. LARGE CAPACITY: The card wallet has 9 card slots (holds 9-18 cards) and 2 cash slots inside. It is enough room for your ID card, credit cards, gift cards and dicounted cards. Small size is perfect to fit in your pockets or handbags.
Drinks Carrier Bag 輕便好收納的飲料提袋,從超商的咖啡、瓶裝 600cc的可樂、手搖飲的700cc或是600cc的 保溫瓶到1000cc的冷水壺通通裝得下
因為【 經典】【 簡單】/所以我們對細節【 絕不馬虎】/單純的L型拉鍊構造/防水布料以及加厚棉襯/由裡到外保護您的手機/搭配品牌造型拉鍊/希望在細節處讓您感到我們的用心 適合:17.5(H) X 10 (L) cm 的手機使用
以餃子的形狀為發想製作的便當袋,小巧的外表下,裝填了滿滿的養份及愛. 去除裏布及格層的設計,讓包包純粹只是一項承載溫暖的小物件. //產品結構// 內層無內裏格層設計 品牌造型拉鍊 純棉織帶提把 四方寬底設計
『總匯三明治??』~ 多層收納分類便攜零錢包 分層的設計目的是使您的物品保持井井有條,並易於找到所需的卡片及現金。 ---------------- .Detachable wrist strap makes this wristlet easy to carry. Great for when you only want to carry your essentials. .Zip-top closure with two interior compartments that can hold your money, credit cards, small cosmetics, keys, etc. .Suitable for ladies and girls,and it's a good choice for daily use, shopping, hiking and so on. ---------------- 型號:A11 尺寸: 12.5( L) x 1.8 ( W) x 9.5 (H) cm
『總匯三明治??』~ 多層收納分類便攜零錢包 分層的設計目的是使您的物品保持井井有條,並易於找到所需的卡片及現金。 ---------------- .Detachable wrist strap makes this wristlet easy to carry. Great for when you only want to carry your essentials. .Zip-top closure with two interior compartments that can hold your money, credit cards, small cosmetics, keys, etc. .Suitable for ladies and girls,and it's a good choice for daily use, shopping, hiking and so on. ---------------- 型號:A11 尺寸: 12.5( L) x 1.8 ( W) x 9.5 (H) cm
『總匯三明治??』~ 多層收納分類便攜零錢包 分層的設計目的是使您的物品保持井井有條,並易於找到所需的卡片及現金。 ---------------- .Detachable wrist strap makes this wristlet easy to carry. Great for when you only want to carry your essentials. .Zip-top closure with two interior compartments that can hold your money, credit cards, small cosmetics, keys, etc. .Suitable for ladies and girls,and it's a good choice for daily use, shopping, hiking and so on. ---------------- 型號:A11 尺寸: 12.5( L) x 1.8 ( W) x 9.5 (H) cm
除了文具收納,這樣的長型載體 對於銀行儲金存摺也可方便的置放. 扁平設計雙拉鍊格層,內層鋪棉車縫, 用於隨身硬碟及相應線材收納,也相當便利好用. //產品結構// 側邊附有尼龍織帶提把 表面材質為防水布料 內層縫製泡棉 內裏印製品牌LOGO 雙拉鍊隔層設計
袋中裝滿的是我的日常 /是我的公文夾 /是我的素描本 /是我生活的必需 /在左彎右繞的小巷中 /我帶著袋子 /帶著日常 獨處在綠地裡