收納這些硬幣 /就是為了讓它們整齊地 /排列在小包中,等待我的招喚! /可別小看這小小的模樣,他可是裝得下 /60枚硬幣的大胃王
隨身大型收納解決方案 容納你所有的梳化用品,洗浴用品和電子配件。 非常適合放置化妝品、手機和洗滌產品或其他物品(18L x8 Wx15H cm)。 它足以存儲您所有的日常化妝需求。 寬開口與內層分隔的搭配在裝載上更為簡潔。 Top-grade Material The PVC febric is waterproof and pollution-free,and the dirt-proof fabric can be washed easily. Constructed out of durable material and lightweight design, with waterproof, anti-wear and spillproof interiors. You can bring your cosmeticsto anywhere.
M號輕量一杯袋-適用冰壩杯 超輕薄材料選用,採聚酯纖維製作的一杯袋,易於摺疊收納,清潔上採清水擦拭即可。 整體重量只有8g!! Drinks Carrier Bag 輕便好收納的飲料提袋,從超商的咖啡、瓶裝 600cc的可樂、手搖飲的700cc或是600cc的 保溫瓶到1000cc的冷水壺通通裝得下
包型捲曲摺疊像是琥珀桔梗的花瓣 展開後是繽紛的色彩以及大容量的裝載空間 提把彎曲的弧度貼合著妳的肩膀身形 肩背亦或手提都是優雅的呈現 外層傘布材質讓它防水也更加輕量好攜帶 收折後的尺寸約為 9x17 cm 型號:N2M 尺寸:30(L) x 15(W) x 27 (H) cm 重量:170 g
▶『旅行行李包』外袋設計可套入行李箱把手﹐在移動時更加便利。您理想的過夜週末登機包﹐適合商務或個人旅行。▶『幼兒園午睡收納袋』加大尺寸的袋體放得下帶有厚度泡棉的午睡墊﹐午睡墊、枕頭、洞洞毯。防水、圖案多樣,好收納。 ▶Large storage space for a clothes for trip. It has a capacity of 30L and can hold 6 to 8 pieces of summer clothes,Cosmetics, toiletries, wallets, keys, earphones, mobile power, mobile phones, files.▶Integrated trolley sleeve slides over rolling luggage handle making airport travel a breeze. Your ideal overnight weekend boarding bag for business or personal travel.▶Shoulder strap is removable to protect your shoulder while carrying. If you have a spinner suitcase or other rolling luggage, lighten up the load and slide the integrated luggage sleeve over your luggage handle for stable and convenient carrying. Trolley sleeve zips closed and doubles as an additional external pocket when not in use.▶ It is a perfect reliable companion for both indoor and outdoor sports.It is a great shoulder bag for workout, travel, sports activity, tennis, basketball, yoga, fishing, hunting, camping, hiking and many outdoor activities. Suitable for gym sport bag, school duffle bag, travel duffel bag, travel holdall bag, gym holdall,etc. 型號:L8M 尺寸:49.5(L) x 19.5(W) x 29(H) (cm)
【貼身小包也要隔層多多】 兩用的小包,可斜背也可當手拿包. 豐富的5層格層,還有輕薄的材質選用. 俐落優雅又極富收納性. This envelope style mini crossbody purse is adorable convenient, and compact. This stylish small size crossbody purse with adjustable long shoulder strap with top zipper closures that can be worn many different ways.Perfect for those sunny days when carrying a handbag is not an option.Good for both traveling and everyday use. This trendy fashionable bag for women features 4 main compartments.Interior contains 1 zipper pocket and 2 pocket.
『束口小物收納袋』~ 那些充電線還是小公仔玩具,繩子一拉簡單完成收納。 那些充電器、瓶瓶罐罐或是小朋友的玩具娃娃,找不到專屬收納時,這樣便捷的小袋就是他們的家。 ---------------- Multipurpose Drawstring Bag .Drawstring closure that securely keeps the bag closed and prevents the tiniest of your items from falling out. .Foldable ,portable and lightweight when travelling. Cotton, washable. Perfect for organizing your personal, household, and travel items, suitable for both home and travel. .Multi Purpose/Using: Can be applied to store gifts, jewelries, snacks, cream jars, makeup bottle, coins, candy, wedding favors, watches,chains, bracelets, sachets, etc ---------------- 型號:C12S 尺寸: ( L) x 17x 19 (H) cm
『束口收納袋 』不規則物件的收納解決方案!! 無法分類的小物專屬收納,小電扇、太陽眼鏡、防曬乳等等,這些通通裝進束口袋。 型號:C12M 尺寸:22(L) x 0.5(W) x 21(H) cm Drawstring closure that securely keeps the bag closed and prevents the tiniest of your items from falling out. Multi Purpose/Using: Can be applied to portable fan, sunglasses, sunscreen, etc.
『適合裝飲料/ 保溫瓶/ 雨傘/ 紅酒』 高度適合裝載1500CC的水瓶、保溫瓶 ,置放紅酒或是700CC酒類瓶身也合適 . 附註:此提袋無保溫的功能! Our water bottle carrier will be a good helper for your bottle when going outside and it can greatly free your hands. This portable water carrier is suitable for various bottles for 1500ml, such as, stainless steel, glass, plastic bottles, sport and energy drinks. It can better protect your bottle from being scratched, scraping, extrusion and so on. Water bottle carrier can only play the role of protecting the water bottle and making it easy to carry the water bottle, and does not have the effect of keeping the water bottle warm and cold. 型號:C8M 尺寸:13(W) x 13(L) x 27(H) cm
【內層】 一邊有個大拉鍊口袋另外一邊雙層口袋雖然包包的開口不是做成密封的但相信我 當你裝東西後 還可以把手伸進去的可能只剩外星人的觸手了 【說明】1.要方便拿相機或紙筆紀錄出來拍照 (正面魔鬼氈的開口)2.票卡或飯店名片需保管收納 (正面小開口)3.放觀光景點拿的導覽還是優惠券(正面拉鍊大開口)4.護照要安全的放著 (所以內層加開一個拉鍊開口)
一種分享包的概念,裝的下六杯裝的 特大杯超商咖啡,高度容得下一罐2 公升的牛奶瓶.便當盒、水果盒、餐 後點心,通通裝進來也不擁擠.
『我的午休時光』~ 午餐好夥伴 在經典方形袋上增加了造型上的變化。 在沒裝滿的狀況下,讓外觀呈現出扇形的視覺變化。增加搭配上的多樣性。 ---------------- This premium medium lunch bag easily fits more than 1 persons lunch, and is ideal for adult men, women, teens for packing lunch to work or school. ---------------- 型號:H8MP 尺寸:22 ( L) x 14 ( W) x 18 (H) cm