不是裝不下 只是我們沒有一個結構適合的錢包 再見,擁擠不堪的小傢伙 再見,手忙腳亂的自己 來一個小巧易攜的錢包 //產品結構// 外層雙拉鍊開口 側邊附掛環 隨包附贈防水點點布手腕繩 外層為尼龍布料 內層為尼龍內裏
『 小尺寸零錢包』~ 大容量收納好夥伴 總是習慣得拿出大鈔,換來頗具份量的零錢. 省錢從化零為整開始,替你的零錢找個家. 消費前請注意一下這可愛的小袋子!! ---------------- SIMPLE BUT PRACTICAL - Very simple design, practical for everyday use; perfect size for a bit of change, a few coins and keys; keepyour coins, car keys, or any other small items handy while you are on the go with this cute little zipper coin purse . ---------------- 型號:A1 尺寸:7.2 ( L) x 4 ( W) x 7 (H) cm
不同高度的隔層讓您輕鬆整理,收納散落的小東西 . 內層雙層開放式口袋,可置放便條紙、面紙、小筆記本等,收取方便!側邊織袋提把,拿著走也輕鬆. //產品結構// 內層有兩個開放式口袋 正面兩道拉鍊格層 面料材質為防水布 皆為品牌造型拉鍊 側邊為織帶提把
『總匯三明治??』~ 多層收納分類便攜零錢包 分層的設計目的是使您的物品保持井井有條,並易於找到所需的卡片及現金。 ---------------- .Detachable wrist strap makes this wristlet easy to carry. Great for when you only want to carry your essentials. .Zip-top closure with two interior compartments that can hold your money, credit cards, small cosmetics, keys, etc. .Suitable for ladies and girls,and it's a good choice for daily use, shopping, hiking and so on. ---------------- 型號:A11 尺寸: 12.5( L) x 1.8 ( W) x 9.5 (H) cm
『 口罩收納包』 一個棉布的束口收納袋,便於收納平面口罩,可一次性收納10枚。 也適用於360 ml的保溫瓶(高度17公分內)。 雙層皆採用印花棉布,讓你有雙層的棉布手感。 眠布材質也易於收折攜帶。 型號:L18 尺寸:11(L)x 1 (W)x 22 (H) cm 售價:140 元 NTD Easy to Carry& Clean- Machine washable and easy to clean and no zippers, hassle-free drawstring it's easy to take with me wherever you go.
『伸縮自如的證件錢包 』 雙面的卡片置放層,一般門禁卡可置放,不用 取出卡片即可通過讀卡感應。 2 large clear ID window ,Front anf Back Card Slots for easy management and access. 1 zipper pocket in the middle. Clear layout and compact design is made for your easy access to coin and credit cards. 頸繩與伸縮拉拉的搭配讓整體可以活動長度到了76公分. 讓你不用特別取下就可以優雅刷卡進站!! This badge holder has a retractable lanyard, which able to extend to 41 cm, you just need to pull your badge holder and swipe your cards and through the door elegantly and fastly rather than take it off or struggle to get your body close to the card reader. 型號:A12 尺寸:10.5(L) x 1.2(W) x 7 (H) cm
小物收納用,線控耳機、充電線、隨身藥品、 還有些無法細分的建構生活的小玩意. Use to collect coins,changes,keys,little cosmetic,cards,headset,USB charger and other baubles. It's a ideal litte bag for outdoor activities,shopping,travelling,etc.
『冰霸杯攜行袋』~ 尺寸裝得下市面常見的冰壩杯及悶燒罐。 去塑化的現在,外帶飲品搭配冰壩杯 你需要一個乘載的提帶 純色尼龍裏層防水處理 尺寸裝得下市面常見的冰壩杯及悶燒罐.
隨身大型收納解決方案 容納你所有的梳化用品,洗浴用品和電子配件。 非常適合放置化妝品、手機和洗滌產品或其他物品(18L x8 Wx15H cm)。 它足以存儲您所有的日常化妝需求。 寬開口與內層分隔的搭配在裝載上更為簡潔。 Top-grade Material The PVC febric is waterproof and pollution-free,and the dirt-proof fabric can be washed easily. Constructed out of durable material and lightweight design, with waterproof, anti-wear and spillproof interiors. You can bring your cosmeticsto anywhere.