立體方型車縫,對於立體物件更容易裝載. 除了當作隨身化妝包,拍立得或是不規則物件也更便於使用. 增加了可拆卸的長繩, 夏日輕鬆的外出配件,簡單出行,便利隨行. //產品結構// 方形大容量設計,滿足外出所需. 附可拆卸式長繩,易於使用 拉鍊開口,品牌造型拉鍊 適合旅行或者外出使用 防潑水尼龍內裏
輕量化保溫袋!! 內層採用鋁膜與泡棉車縫達到保溫效果,外 層為防水碎花布為隔絕層,避免內層液體滲 出. 長形寬底的設計便利於置放兩個樂扣玻 璃盒還有餘裕可置放其他瓶罐物品. 上蓋附有內網狀隔層,可用來置放保冷袋加 強保冷效果.
適用手帳尺寸 15 (L) x 1 (W)x 21(H) cm 台灣版本的寶寶手冊及媽媽手冊可裝 附註:原媽媽手冊外的塑膠封套需卸下.!
不同高度的隔層讓您輕鬆整理,收納散落的小東西 . 內層雙層開放式口袋,可置放便條紙、面紙、小筆記本等,收取方便!側邊織袋提把,拿著走也輕鬆. //產品結構// 內層有兩個開放式口袋 正面兩道拉鍊格層 面料材質為防水布 皆為品牌造型拉鍊 側邊為織帶提把
一般市售家用筷約為24cm,隨行筷約在21cm, 可攜帶家庭慣用的筷子, 可避免使用漂白有毒的免洗筷. 食安上讓自已用的安心,外層防水材質,避免 油膩沾汙.尺寸上適合四口之家外出使用.
『 口罩收納包』 一個棉布的束口收納袋,便於收納平面口罩,可一次性收納10枚。 也適用於360 ml的保溫瓶(高度17公分內)。 雙層皆採用印花棉布,讓你有雙層的棉布手感。 眠布材質也易於收折攜帶。 型號:L18 尺寸:11(L)x 1 (W)x 22 (H) cm 售價:140 元 NTD Easy to Carry& Clean- Machine washable and easy to clean and no zippers, hassle-free drawstring it's easy to take with me wherever you go.
『伸縮自如的證件錢包 』 雙面的卡片置放層,一般門禁卡可置放,不用 取出卡片即可通過讀卡感應。 2 large clear ID window ,Front anf Back Card Slots for easy management and access. 1 zipper pocket in the middle. Clear layout and compact design is made for your easy access to coin and credit cards. 頸繩與伸縮拉拉的搭配讓整體可以活動長度到了76公分. 讓你不用特別取下就可以優雅刷卡進站!! This badge holder has a retractable lanyard, which able to extend to 41 cm, you just need to pull your badge holder and swipe your cards and through the door elegantly and fastly rather than take it off or struggle to get your body close to the card reader. 型號:A12 尺寸:10.5(L) x 1.2(W) x 7 (H) cm
『小書袋』扁平書袋裝載不扁平的內在!! 純棉布手提袋,無封口得設計,雙提把以及全棉布內襯. 攜帶書籍 IPAD 或是錢包 等也非常方便. 100% cotton canvas tote,no closure,Top double handles,Fully lined,Clean Lines, Neat Stitching. More room for carrying daily necessaries like books,pens,wallets,iPad,keys etc. 型號:G10M 尺寸:20(L) x 22(H) cm
我 的 這 一 餐 輕便拎取.容量適中 輕鬆提供一餐的容量 內層保溫鋁箔及隔熱泡棉,大大增加保溫性能. 外層採用防水布除了增加保溫外,也降低內層液體滲出風險.
伸縮拉環的設計,便利隨取隨用 四卡位一個拉鍊式隔層 鉤鍊搭配拉環可掛包可手提 捷運公車都可以卡片都可感應! EASILY ACCESS/SWIPE YOUR ID CARDS:12 cm durable line extends and returns easily, with no snags or hitches.MULTIPLE USES:Card Holder maximum insert size 3.7" x 2.5"to hold up to 3-4 additional regular size cards or similar sized objects you need to store, such as cash. 型號:C13P 尺寸:12(W) x 8(L) cm
▶『旅行行李包』外袋設計可套入行李箱把手﹐在移動時更加便利。您理想的過夜週末登機包﹐適合商務或個人旅行。▶『幼兒園午睡收納袋』加大尺寸的袋體放得下帶有厚度泡棉的午睡墊﹐午睡墊、枕頭、洞洞毯。防水、圖案多樣,好收納。 ▶Large storage space for a clothes for trip. It has a capacity of 30L and can hold 6 to 8 pieces of summer clothes,Cosmetics, toiletries, wallets, keys, earphones, mobile power, mobile phones, files.▶Integrated trolley sleeve slides over rolling luggage handle making airport travel a breeze. Your ideal overnight weekend boarding bag for business or personal travel.▶Shoulder strap is removable to protect your shoulder while carrying. If you have a spinner suitcase or other rolling luggage, lighten up the load and slide the integrated luggage sleeve over your luggage handle for stable and convenient carrying. Trolley sleeve zips closed and doubles as an additional external pocket when not in use.▶ It is a perfect reliable companion for both indoor and outdoor sports.It is a great shoulder bag for workout, travel, sports activity, tennis, basketball, yoga, fishing, hunting, camping, hiking and many outdoor activities. Suitable for gym sport bag, school duffle bag, travel duffel bag, travel holdall bag, gym holdall,etc. 型號:L8M 尺寸:49.5(L) x 19.5(W) x 29(H) (cm)