善用每一個空間將 /手機 行動電源 鈔票 小雜物 ,/通通裝在一個小包中,讓妳輕裝漫遊! /背面的透明薄膜讓您不用取出手機也可使用 適合17.5(H)X10.5(L)的手機使用
以餃子的形狀為發想製作的便當袋,小巧的外表下,裝填了滿滿的養份及愛. 去除裏布及格層的設計,讓包包純粹只是一項承載溫暖的小物件. //產品結構// 內層無內裏格層設計 品牌造型拉鍊 純棉織帶提把 四方寬底設計
純色尼龍系列 MY LIGHT OUTER BAG 散歩在陽光随意洒落的午後 適合短暫外出的軽量NYLON包款 Enough capacity of handbags is great choice for women, teacher,student, office lady etc. The durable nylon ensures extensive use of the bag,that offers enough space for a tablet, wallet, keys and a mobile phone. Comfortable hand feeling of the handbag material,Lightweight,waterproof, simple appearance, beautiful color, it feels like silk.
『資料收納袋』~ 你的文件收納管家。 辦公外出一袋輕便 置放IPAD或旅行手帳帳單收據平整收納 便利收納收據或是各式信封文件整齊不散亂寶寶外出整理袋 尿布 口水巾 濕紙巾 替換衣物 便利攜帶旅行盥洗用品袋 旅行的瓶罐就讓他來保護 ---------------- .Double zipper design:Two pockets, large capacity allows you to better keep and classify your passports, licenses, USBs disks and CDs deeds. ---------------- 型號:L15 尺寸: 29( L) x 0.5x 23 (H) cm
一袋就走! 便利於將生活中不好分類的小玩意 用個小袋,通通帶走! Easy to carry in bag. Convenient for storing small accessories or daily life gadgets.
9個卡位(單卡位可收納2張卡片)+2個收納小格 信用卡/名片都適用 輕便卡片收納 SMALL&COMPACT: Very small size - 4.33" *2.76"*0.98"(11*7*2.5 CM).Zip around desig- ned wallet keep your cards, cash and coin- s safe. Accordion card slots organize your cards well. LARGE CAPACITY: The card wallet has 9 card slots (holds 9-18 cards) and 2 cash slots inside. It is enough room for your ID card, credit cards, gift cards and dicounted cards. Small size is perfect to fit in your pockets or handbags.
適用於平板電腦的收納袋,防水布材質防水防刮。輕薄的袋體收納,可放進後背包或公事包中攜帶使用。提把設計,短 暫攜行使用增加便利性。 適用機體尺寸:27(L)x1.2(W)x21(H)cm 請量測您的平板電腦含保護殼的外直徑,小於以上尺寸即可以置入使用。 Compact and Slim: Being slim and lightweight, the tablet sleeve can be carried on its on without adding too much bulk to the tablet, or easily betransported inside another bag,backpack or suitcaseGood protection: Durable water-resistant material external protect your tablet from scratches, dirt, rain.A top opening zipper gliding smoothly . 型號:F1M 尺寸:30(L) x 2(W) x 23(H) cm
一般市售家用筷約為24cm,隨行筷約在21cm, 可攜帶家庭慣用的筷子, 可避免使用漂白有毒的免洗筷. 食安上讓自已用的安心,外層防水材質,避免 油膩沾汙.尺寸上適合四口之家外出使用.
圓滾滾的包包讓餡量更充足?! 圓潤的內容量裝得下長夾和保溫瓶 外面隔層也要多 就像洋葱一層一層包裹住我的小物品 再來一個透明口袋 我的手機或是入場券都清晰可見 型號:J17 尺寸:22(L) x 11(W) x 20(H) CM