【內層】 一邊有個大拉鍊口袋另外一邊雙層口袋雖然包包的開口不是做成密封的但相信我 當你裝東西後 還可以把手伸進去的可能只剩外星人的觸手了 【說明】1.要方便拿相機或紙筆紀錄出來拍照 (正面魔鬼氈的開口)2.票卡或飯店名片需保管收納 (正面小開口)3.放觀光景點拿的導覽還是優惠券(正面拉鍊大開口)4.護照要安全的放著 (所以內層加開一個拉鍊開口)
小物收納用,線控耳機、充電線、隨身藥品、 還有些無法細分的建構生活的小玩意. Use to collect coins,changes,keys,little cosmetic,cards,headset,USB charger and other baubles. It's a ideal litte bag for outdoor activities,shopping,travelling,etc.
『總匯三明治??』~ 多層收納分類便攜零錢包 分層的設計目的是使您的物品保持井井有條,並易於找到所需的卡片及現金。 ---------------- .Detachable wrist strap makes this wristlet easy to carry. Great for when you only want to carry your essentials. .Zip-top closure with two interior compartments that can hold your money, credit cards, small cosmetics, keys, etc. .Suitable for ladies and girls,and it's a good choice for daily use, shopping, hiking and so on. ---------------- 型號:A11 尺寸: 12.5( L) x 1.8 ( W) x 9.5 (H) cm
背面的卡片置放層,一般門禁卡可置放,不用 取出卡片即可通過讀卡感應。搭配伸縮扣環, 在使用上更為便利!!尼龍款和隔紋款的伸縮扣環不可拆喔!! Functional and Pratical:1 card slots,zipper pocket, keychain with telescopic rope Clear layout and compact design is made for your easy access to coin and credit cards
背面的卡片置放層,一般門禁卡可置放,不用 取出卡片即可通過讀卡感應。搭配伸縮扣環, 在使用上更為便利!!尼龍款和隔紋款的伸縮扣環不可拆喔!! Functional and Pratical:1 card slots,zipper pocket, keychain with telescopic rope Clear layout and compact design is made for your easy access to coin and credit cards
一袋就走! 便利於將生活中不好分類的小玩意 用個小袋,通通帶走! Easy to carry in bag. Convenient for storing small accessories or daily life gadgets.
不是裝不下 只是我們沒有一個結構適合的錢包 再見,擁擠不堪的小傢伙 再見,手忙腳亂的自己 來一個小巧易攜的錢包 //產品結構// 外層雙拉鍊開口 側邊附掛環 隨包附贈防水點點布手腕繩 外層為尼龍布料 內層為尼龍內裏