我 的 這 一 餐 輕便拎取.容量適中 輕鬆提供一餐的容量 內層保溫鋁箔及隔熱泡棉,大大增加保溫性能. 外層採用防水布除了增加保溫外,也降低內層液體滲出風險.
摺疊收納的便攜選擇 18克的極輕重量!! 以短暫外出的置物收納為考量 選用輕薄傘布為媒材 袋體在收折更為簡潔。 型號:N3 尺寸:26(L) x 27 (H) cm 重量:18 g
伸縮拉環的設計,便利隨取隨用 四卡位一個拉鍊式隔層 鉤鍊搭配拉環可掛包可手提 捷運公車都可以卡片都可感應! EASILY ACCESS/SWIPE YOUR ID CARDS:12 cm durable line extends and returns easily, with no snags or hitches.MULTIPLE USES:Card Holder maximum insert size 3.7" x 2.5"to hold up to 3-4 additional regular size cards or similar sized objects you need to store, such as cash. 型號:C13P 尺寸:12(W) x 8(L) cm
隨手做環保就從自己開始.市售手搖飲料的 好幫手,從小七到星巴克.清心到COCO, 尺寸剛好,有種量身訂製的精細感. 表布採用棉布設計,讓夏日易於冒汗的冷飲 ,藉由純棉表布的吸收,不至於汗如雨下.而 棉布的設計也讓它易於乾燥. 當然沾染到妳的卡布奇諾也方便清洗.
超輕薄材料選用,採聚酯纖維製作的一杯袋,易於摺疊收納,清潔上採清水擦拭即可。 整體重量只有6g!! Drinks Carrier Bag 輕便好收納的飲料提袋,從超商的咖啡、瓶裝 600cc的可樂、手搖飲的700cc或是600cc的 保溫瓶到1000cc的冷水壺通通裝得下
大容量 裝進五顏六色 市面上15CM得長尺和鉛筆都可無慮置入 /也可拿來當成化妝包 /眼線筆 睫毛膏 假睫毛 睫毛夾 等等 /當然通通都裝得下
以餃子的形狀為發想製作的便當袋,小巧的外表下,裝填了滿滿的養份及愛. 去除裏布及格層的設計,讓包包純粹只是一項承載溫暖的小物件. //產品結構// 內層無內裏格層設計 品牌造型拉鍊 純棉織帶提把 四方寬底設計
適合輕便外出,只想攜帶錢包、餐盒、飲料等簡單的物品 。輕薄的尺寸可摺疊收納在日常使用的大包中,外出用餐 就派上用場了。 早餐、午餐、晚餐或是只是逛街的小提袋。 瓶裝600c.c以及星巴克特大杯也可置入,右圖即是置放範 例。 You can carry lunch boxes, snacks, drinks, they are very lightweight tote bags, you can also use it as a picnic bags, sundries bags or shopping bags.
隨手收納的棉布小袋 | A handy cotton pouch 型號:C12XS 尺寸:14(L) x 1(W) x 13 (H) cm 這款小小的棉布束口袋對我來說不只是收納,更像是種陪伴。無論是充電線、藥品,還是眼藥水和小小的清潔用品,這些隨身必備的小物都被它妥善地收納在一起。柔軟的棉布材質摸起來舒適,束口設計一拉即可收緊,既方便又安心,把生活中那些零碎的重要性都安穩地留在裡面。 This small cotton drawstring bag is more than just storage to me—it feels like a companion. From charging cables and medicine to eye drops and daily essentials, it neatly keeps all my must-have items together. The soft cotton material feels comforting, and the drawstring design easily pulls tight, keeping everything secure and giving me peace of mind that my small daily essentials are right where I need them.
隨手收納的棉布小袋 | A handy cotton pouch 型號:C12XS 尺寸:14(L) x 1(W) x 13 (H) cm 這款小小的棉布束口袋對我來說不只是收納,更像是種陪伴。無論是充電線、藥品,還是眼藥水和小小的清潔用品,這些隨身必備的小物都被它妥善地收納在一起。柔軟的棉布材質摸起來舒適,束口設計一拉即可收緊,既方便又安心,把生活中那些零碎的重要性都安穩地留在裡面。 This small cotton drawstring bag is more than just storage to me—it feels like a companion. From charging cables and medicine to eye drops and daily essentials, it neatly keeps all my must-have items together. The soft cotton material feels comforting, and the drawstring design easily pulls tight, keeping everything secure and giving me peace of mind that my small daily essentials are right where I need them.
隨手收納的棉布小袋 | A handy cotton pouch 型號:C12XS 尺寸:14(L) x 1(W) x 13 (H) cm 這款小小的棉布束口袋對我來說不只是收納,更像是種陪伴。無論是充電線、藥品,還是眼藥水和小小的清潔用品,這些隨身必備的小物都被它妥善地收納在一起。柔軟的棉布材質摸起來舒適,束口設計一拉即可收緊,既方便又安心,把生活中那些零碎的重要性都安穩地留在裡面。 This small cotton drawstring bag is more than just storage to me—it feels like a companion. From charging cables and medicine to eye drops and daily essentials, it neatly keeps all my must-have items together. The soft cotton material feels comforting, and the drawstring design easily pulls tight, keeping everything secure and giving me peace of mind that my small daily essentials are right where I need them.