袋中裝滿的是我的日常 /是我的公文夾 /是我的素描本 /是我生活的必需 /在左彎右繞的小巷中 /我帶著袋子 /帶著日常 獨處在綠地裡
『伸縮自如的證件錢包 』 雙面的卡片置放層,一般門禁卡可置放,不用 取出卡片即可通過讀卡感應。 2 large clear ID window ,Front anf Back Card Slots for easy management and access. 1 zipper pocket in the middle. Clear layout and compact design is made for your easy access to coin and credit cards. 頸繩與伸縮拉拉的搭配讓整體可以活動長度到了76公分. 讓你不用特別取下就可以優雅刷卡進站!! This badge holder has a retractable lanyard, which able to extend to 41 cm, you just need to pull your badge holder and swipe your cards and through the door elegantly and fastly rather than take it off or struggle to get your body close to the card reader. 型號:A12 尺寸:10.5(L) x 1.2(W) x 7 (H) cm
『束口收納袋 』不規則物件的收納解決方案!! 無法分類的小物專屬收納,小電扇、太陽眼鏡、防曬乳等等,這些通通裝進束口袋。 型號:C12M 尺寸:22(L) x 0.5(W) x 21(H) cm Drawstring closure that securely keeps the bag closed and prevents the tiniest of your items from falling out. Multi Purpose/Using: Can be applied to portable fan, sunglasses, sunscreen, etc.
大容量的設計,純棉織帶雙繩車縫,上課 、出遊、媽咪袋, 輕鬆裝進大小物件挑戰 你的負重極限。 //產品結構// 內層有一個開放式內袋 一個拉鍊式暗袋 正面有開放式口袋 肩帶為純棉織帶 面料材質為防水布 拉鍊密合開口 可置放A4資料夾
可置放A4資料夾/一般的補習袋多製作成直式的 /但身材嬌小的人 /直式的補習袋就會拖地./製作橫式的補習袋來解這問題, /提帶也加長可肩揹.
『方形大容量的首選』 除了裝泡麵,超商咖啡也可以來6杯 袋裝衛生紙也可以來6包 底部大大方方讓他裝載更平穩 PROTECT YOUR GIFT(OR GOODIES) We give you a bag that’s sturdy and made with waterproof febric to reduce the risk of tearing. The handles are carefully fastened, too. Each bag has a rectangular bottom, and easily stands up on it’s own. This makes your job easier - since putting gifts, drinks, or groceries into a self standing bag makes your life easier.
『床套五件組的寢具收納』~小寶貝的午睡收納 可完整收納兩個枕頭套、床單、被套、小抱枕套 可便利的收納幼兒園的午睡墊、小毯子、枕頭 家用大容量的收納用具 ur bags are made from heavy-duty PVC material for exceptional toughness as well as resistance to punctures and wearing compared to polypropylene or plastic alternatives. For Toddler Boys and Girls, Ideal for Daycare and Preschool. This bag is sure to storing your childs nap mat with pillow and blanket. Its travel-friendly design makes it easy for your little one to take their Nap Mat to-and-from school, sleepovers and more. Stow your freshly washed pillows and bed covers wherever you want to. Use our comfortable handles to put them anywhere in your home for compact storage.
外出購物漫遊的好包包 365天都可以使用 I want to use it every day //產品結構// 內層有一個開放式內袋 背面有一個拉鍊式口袋 肩帶為尼龍織帶 面料材質為防水布 拉鍊開口(開口無密合) 底部寬大
適合輕便外出,只想攜帶錢包、餐盒、飲料等簡單的物品 。輕薄的尺寸可摺疊收納在日常使用的大包中,外出用餐 就派上用場了。 早餐、午餐、晚餐或是只是逛街的小提袋。 瓶裝600c.c以及星巴克特大杯也可置入,右圖即是置放範 例。 You can carry lunch boxes, snacks, drinks, they are very lightweight tote bags, you can also use it as a picnic bags, sundries bags or shopping bags.
『適合裝飲料/ 保溫瓶/ 雨傘/ 紅酒』 高度適合裝載1500CC的水瓶、保溫瓶 ,置放紅酒或是700CC酒類瓶身也合適 . 附註:此提袋無保溫的功能! Our water bottle carrier will be a good helper for your bottle when going outside and it can greatly free your hands. This portable water carrier is suitable for various bottles for 1500ml, such as, stainless steel, glass, plastic bottles, sport and energy drinks. It can better protect your bottle from being scratched, scraping, extrusion and so on. Water bottle carrier can only play the role of protecting the water bottle and making it easy to carry the water bottle, and does not have the effect of keeping the water bottle warm and cold. 型號:C8M 尺寸:13(W) x 13(L) x 27(H) cm