▶中號化妝包採用優質防水面料製成。這款化妝包手感光滑柔軟,防水且易於內外清潔,無需擔心溢出或洩漏。漂亮的造型拉鍊,使用起來非常順滑。旅行時攜帶方便,重量輕。 ▶在主隔層,我們設計了兩個小口袋,這款化妝包可以方便您存放口紅和粉底等小化妝品。 ▶Simple and lightweight, the cosmetic bag can store all the daily makeup, skincare and tools you need to protect while traveling. ▶Medium cosmetic bag is made of high quality waterproof fabric. This cosmetic bag is smooth and soft to the touch, waterproof and easy to clean inside and out without worrying about spills or leaks. Nice zipper clip, very smooth to use. Easy to carry and light weight when traveling. ▶In the main compartment, we designed two small pockets, this cosmetic bag can be convenient for you to store small cosmetics such as lipstick and foundation. 型號:E1L 尺寸:14(L) x 5.5(W) x 12(H) (cm)
一般市售家用筷約為24cm,隨行筷約在21cm, 可攜帶家庭慣用的筷子, 可避免使用漂白有毒的免洗筷. 食安上讓自已用的安心,外層防水材質,避免 油膩沾汙.尺寸上適合四口之家外出使用.
▶這種可重複使用的手提袋為許多外帶需求提供了有方便性且具有保溫效果的解決方案。用來攜帶餐點、零食、飲料或者只是將其用作隨身攜帶的外出包使用. ▶在購買餐點﹐裝進有保冷-保温的機能效果購物袋﹐外帶回去都能享用應有的美味。 ▶This reusable nylon tote bags provide attractive and lightweight solution to many storage needs. It’s a fashionable way to carry meals, snacks, beverages, drinks for women and kids, or simply use it as a grab-and-go bag ▶Easy to Clean - Simply wipe the inside or rinse the inside liner and leave to dry (they can be dried though we do recommend hanging them to dry to help prolong your premium snack bag's life). Ok to use to to replace containers in the freezer, fridge and backpack. ▶Reusable - Unlike paper or disposable plastic, our snack bag can be washed and reused over and over again, which is beneficial for the environment while saving your wallet. 型號:N2SP 尺寸:18.5(L) x 17.5(W) x 20(H) (cm)
圓滾滾的包包讓餡量更充足?! 圓潤的內容量裝得下長夾和保溫瓶 外面隔層也要多 就像洋葱一層一層包裹住我的小物品 再來一個透明口袋 我的手機或是入場券都清晰可見 型號:J17 尺寸:22(L) x 11(W) x 20(H) CM
圓滾滾的包包讓餡量更充足?! 圓潤的內容量裝得下長夾和保溫瓶 外面隔層也要多 就像洋葱一層一層包裹住我的小物品 再來一個透明口袋 我的手機或是入場券都清晰可見 型號:J17 尺寸:22(L) x 11(W) x 20(H) CM
包包不僅是一個乘載物件的集合體 /它也呈現了妳的生活氛圍. /我們不只是把它當成是商品, /而是認為這樣的使用方式 /能增加妳對生活的便利性及活動性. 對於【收納功能】和【防水材質】的機能性,也是同樣的注重!