經典的L拉鍊設計 /將您的手機穩固的放好 /側邊的一字拉鍊 /讓您多了置放鈔票卡片的小空間適合18(H) X 10.5 (L) CM 的手機使用
經典的L拉鍊設計 /將您的手機穩固的放好 /側邊的一字拉鍊 /讓您多了置放鈔票卡片的小空間適合18(H) X 10.5 (L) CM 的手機使用
經典的L拉鍊設計 /將您的手機穩固的放好 /側邊的一字拉鍊 /讓您多了置放鈔票卡片的小空間適合18(H) X 10.5 (L) CM 的手機使用
經典的L拉鍊設計 /將您的手機穩固的放好 /側邊的一字拉鍊 /讓您多了置放鈔票卡片的小空間適合18(H) X 10.5 (L) CM 的手機使用
雙層文具隨身袋 | Dual-layer Stationery Pouch 型號:D9 尺寸:19.5(L) x 2(W) x 10.5 (H) cm 雙層分隔文具隨身包,以堆疊縫製工藝巧妙地連接兩個筆袋,打造出雙層的主要收納空間。正面額外配有一個拉鍊收納層,為你的文具小物提供更多保護與便利。無論是筆、文具小物,還是其他必需品,都能井然有序地存放,陪伴你在每一個細微處,添上一點溫柔的秩序。 The dual-layer stationery pouch features a clever stacked stitching technique that seamlessly connects two pencil cases, creating a main storage space with dual layers. The front also includes an additional zippered compartment, providing extra protection and convenience for your stationery items. Whether it’s pens, small stationery, or other essentials, everything can be neatly organized, adding a touch of gentle order to every detail of your daily life.
雙層文具隨身袋 | Dual-layer Stationery Pouch 型號:D9 尺寸:19.5(L) x 2(W) x 10.5 (H) cm 雙層分隔文具隨身包,以堆疊縫製工藝巧妙地連接兩個筆袋,打造出雙層的主要收納空間。正面額外配有一個拉鍊收納層,為你的文具小物提供更多保護與便利。無論是筆、文具小物,還是其他必需品,都能井然有序地存放,陪伴你在每一個細微處,添上一點溫柔的秩序。 The dual-layer stationery pouch features a clever stacked stitching technique that seamlessly connects two pencil cases, creating a main storage space with dual layers. The front also includes an additional zippered compartment, providing extra protection and convenience for your stationery items. Whether it’s pens, small stationery, or other essentials, everything can be neatly organized, adding a touch of gentle order to every detail of your daily life.
雙層文具隨身袋 | Dual-layer Stationery Pouch 型號:D9 尺寸:19.5(L) x 2(W) x 10.5 (H) cm 雙層分隔文具隨身包,以堆疊縫製工藝巧妙地連接兩個筆袋,打造出雙層的主要收納空間。正面額外配有一個拉鍊收納層,為你的文具小物提供更多保護與便利。無論是筆、文具小物,還是其他必需品,都能井然有序地存放,陪伴你在每一個細微處,添上一點溫柔的秩序。 The dual-layer stationery pouch features a clever stacked stitching technique that seamlessly connects two pencil cases, creating a main storage space with dual layers. The front also includes an additional zippered compartment, providing extra protection and convenience for your stationery items. Whether it’s pens, small stationery, or other essentials, everything can be neatly organized, adding a touch of gentle order to every detail of your daily life.
雙層文具隨身袋 | Dual-layer Stationery Pouch 型號:D9 尺寸:19.5(L) x 2(W) x 10.5 (H) cm 雙層分隔文具隨身包,以堆疊縫製工藝巧妙地連接兩個筆袋,打造出雙層的主要收納空間。正面額外配有一個拉鍊收納層,為你的文具小物提供更多保護與便利。無論是筆、文具小物,還是其他必需品,都能井然有序地存放,陪伴你在每一個細微處,添上一點溫柔的秩序。 The dual-layer stationery pouch features a clever stacked stitching technique that seamlessly connects two pencil cases, creating a main storage space with dual layers. The front also includes an additional zippered compartment, providing extra protection and convenience for your stationery items. Whether it’s pens, small stationery, or other essentials, everything can be neatly organized, adding a touch of gentle order to every detail of your daily life.
雙層文具隨身袋 | Dual-layer Stationery Pouch 型號:D9 尺寸:19.5(L) x 2(W) x 10.5 (H) cm 雙層分隔文具隨身包,以堆疊縫製工藝巧妙地連接兩個筆袋,打造出雙層的主要收納空間。正面額外配有一個拉鍊收納層,為你的文具小物提供更多保護與便利。無論是筆、文具小物,還是其他必需品,都能井然有序地存放,陪伴你在每一個細微處,添上一點溫柔的秩序。 The dual-layer stationery pouch features a clever stacked stitching technique that seamlessly connects two pencil cases, creating a main storage space with dual layers. The front also includes an additional zippered compartment, providing extra protection and convenience for your stationery items. Whether it’s pens, small stationery, or other essentials, everything can be neatly organized, adding a touch of gentle order to every detail of your daily life.
雙層文具隨身袋 | Dual-layer Stationery Pouch 型號:D9 尺寸:19.5(L) x 2(W) x 10.5 (H) cm 雙層分隔文具隨身包,以堆疊縫製工藝巧妙地連接兩個筆袋,打造出雙層的主要收納空間。正面額外配有一個拉鍊收納層,為你的文具小物提供更多保護與便利。無論是筆、文具小物,還是其他必需品,都能井然有序地存放,陪伴你在每一個細微處,添上一點溫柔的秩序。 The dual-layer stationery pouch features a clever stacked stitching technique that seamlessly connects two pencil cases, creating a main storage space with dual layers. The front also includes an additional zippered compartment, providing extra protection and convenience for your stationery items. Whether it’s pens, small stationery, or other essentials, everything can be neatly organized, adding a touch of gentle order to every detail of your daily life.
以直入式的使用方式來做發想 並增加前置口袋增加其收納功能 搭配可斜背的跳線背繩 直方式的外型,除了當手機置放外 當成展場隨身小包也方便使用 如置放手機適用16 x 10 公分的 手機