M號輕量一杯袋-適用冰壩杯 Drinks Carrier Bag 輕便好收納的飲料提袋,從超商的咖啡、瓶裝 600cc的可樂、手搖飲的700cc或是600cc的 保溫瓶到1000cc的冷水壺通通裝得下
以直入式的使用方式來做發想 並增加前置口袋增加其收納功能 搭配可斜背的跳線背繩 直方式的外型,除了當手機置放外 當成展場隨身小包也方便使用 如置放手機適用16 x 10 公分的 手機
摺疊收納的便攜選擇 18克的極輕重量!! 以短暫外出的置物收納為考量 選用輕薄傘布為媒材 袋體在收折更為簡潔。 型號:N3 尺寸:26(L) x 27 (H) cm 重量:18 g
伸縮拉環的設計,便利隨取隨用 四卡位一個拉鍊式隔層 鉤鍊搭配拉環可掛包可手提 捷運公車都可以卡片都可感應! EASILY ACCESS/SWIPE YOUR ID CARDS:12 cm durable line extends and returns easily, with no snags or hitches.MULTIPLE USES:Card Holder maximum insert size 3.7" x 2.5"to hold up to 3-4 additional regular size cards or similar sized objects you need to store, such as cash. 型號:C13P 尺寸:12(W) x 8(L) cm
▶中號化妝包採用優質防水面料製成。這款化妝包手感光滑柔軟,防水且易於內外清潔,無需擔心溢出或洩漏。漂亮的造型拉鍊,使用起來非常順滑。旅行時攜帶方便,重量輕。 ▶在主隔層,我們設計了兩個小口袋,這款化妝包可以方便您存放口紅和粉底等小化妝品。 ▶Simple and lightweight, the cosmetic bag can store all the daily makeup, skincare and tools you need to protect while traveling. ▶Medium cosmetic bag is made of high quality waterproof fabric. This cosmetic bag is smooth and soft to the touch, waterproof and easy to clean inside and out without worrying about spills or leaks. Nice zipper clip, very smooth to use. Easy to carry and light weight when traveling. ▶In the main compartment, we designed two small pockets, this cosmetic bag can be convenient for you to store small cosmetics such as lipstick and foundation. 型號:E1L 尺寸:14(L) x 5.5(W) x 12(H) (cm)
▶『旅行行李包』外袋設計可套入行李箱把手﹐在移動時更加便利。您理想的過夜週末登機包﹐適合商務或個人旅行。▶『幼兒園午睡收納袋』加大尺寸的袋體放得下帶有厚度泡棉的午睡墊﹐午睡墊、枕頭、洞洞毯。防水、圖案多樣,好收納。 ▶Large storage space for a clothes for trip. It has a capacity of 30L and can hold 6 to 8 pieces of summer clothes,Cosmetics, toiletries, wallets, keys, earphones, mobile power, mobile phones, files.▶Integrated trolley sleeve slides over rolling luggage handle making airport travel a breeze. Your ideal overnight weekend boarding bag for business or personal travel.▶Shoulder strap is removable to protect your shoulder while carrying. If you have a spinner suitcase or other rolling luggage, lighten up the load and slide the integrated luggage sleeve over your luggage handle for stable and convenient carrying. Trolley sleeve zips closed and doubles as an additional external pocket when not in use.▶ It is a perfect reliable companion for both indoor and outdoor sports.It is a great shoulder bag for workout, travel, sports activity, tennis, basketball, yoga, fishing, hunting, camping, hiking and many outdoor activities. Suitable for gym sport bag, school duffle bag, travel duffel bag, travel holdall bag, gym holdall,etc. 型號:L8M 尺寸:49.5(L) x 19.5(W) x 29(H) (cm)
圓滾滾的包包讓餡量更充足?! 圓潤的內容量裝得下長夾和保溫瓶 外面隔層也要多 就像洋葱一層一層包裹住我的小物品 再來一個透明口袋 我的手機或是入場券都清晰可見 型號:J17 尺寸:22(L) x 11(W) x 20(H) CM
大容量的收納空間,可裝A4資料夾 搭配可拆卸長帶的設計 肩背或是斜背都方便使用 型號:M2S 尺寸:35(L) x 11(W) x 26(H) CM
隨手做環保就從自己開始.市售手搖飲料的 好幫手,從小七到星巴克.清心到COCO, 尺寸剛好,有種量身訂製的精細感. 表布採用棉布設計,讓夏日易於冒汗的冷飲 ,藉由純棉表布的吸收,不至於汗如雨下.而 棉布的設計也讓它易於乾燥. 當然沾染到妳的卡布奇諾也方便清洗.
超輕薄材料選用,採聚酯纖維製作的一杯袋,易於摺疊收納,清潔上採清水擦拭即可。 整體重量只有6g!! Drinks Carrier Bag 輕便好收納的飲料提袋,從超商的咖啡、瓶裝 600cc的可樂、手搖飲的700cc或是600cc的 保溫瓶到1000cc的冷水壺通通裝得下
適合輕便外出,只想攜帶錢包、餐盒、飲料等簡單的物品 。輕薄的尺寸可摺疊收納在日常使用的大包中,外出用餐 就派上用場了。 早餐、午餐、晚餐或是只是逛街的小提袋。 瓶裝600c.c以及星巴克特大杯也可置入,右圖即是置放範 例。 You can carry lunch boxes, snacks, drinks, they are very lightweight tote bags, you can also use it as a picnic bags, sundries bags or shopping bags.
不僅是證件套,側邊的拉鍊小口袋,讓您可以帶點零錢. 在投販賣機時的當下,不用還要另外帶著零錢包. 正反各可置放兩張卡片.在多的置放空間也沒有了. 畢竟這只是一個掛在脖子上的證件套.