大容量 裝進五顏六色 市面上15CM得長尺和鉛筆都可無慮置入 /也可拿來當成化妝包 /眼線筆 睫毛膏 假睫毛 睫毛夾 等等 /當然通通都裝得下
以餃子的形狀為發想製作的便當袋,小巧的外表下,裝填了滿滿的養份及愛. 去除裏布及格層的設計,讓包包純粹只是一項承載溫暖的小物件. //產品結構// 內層無內裏格層設計 品牌造型拉鍊 純棉織帶提把 四方寬底設計
袋中裝滿的是我的日常 /是我的公文夾 /是我的素描本 /是我生活的必需 /在左彎右繞的小巷中 /我帶著袋子 /帶著日常 獨處在綠地裡
▶這種可重複使用的手提袋為許多外帶需求提供了有方便性且具有保溫效果的解決方案。用來攜帶餐點、零食、飲料或者只是將其用作隨身攜帶的外出包使用. ▶在購買餐點﹐裝進有保冷-保温的機能效果購物袋﹐外帶回去都能享用應有的美味。 ▶This reusable nylon tote bags provide attractive and lightweight solution to many storage needs. It’s a fashionable way to carry meals, snacks, beverages, drinks for women and kids, or simply use it as a grab-and-go bag ▶Easy to Clean - Simply wipe the inside or rinse the inside liner and leave to dry (they can be dried though we do recommend hanging them to dry to help prolong your premium snack bag's life). Ok to use to to replace containers in the freezer, fridge and backpack. ▶Reusable - Unlike paper or disposable plastic, our snack bag can be washed and reused over and over again, which is beneficial for the environment while saving your wallet. 型號:N2SP 尺寸:18.5(L) x 17.5(W) x 20(H) (cm)
善用每一個空間將 /手機 行動電源 鈔票 小雜物 ,/通通裝在一個小包中,讓妳輕裝漫遊! /背面的透明薄膜讓您不用取出手機也可使用 適合17.5(H)X10.5(L)的手機使用
輕量化的雨傘布,讓整體重量達到18g。 更加輕薄讓摺疊收納更加便利。 在正面使用下可以容納兩杯冰霸杯(700cc寶特瓶) 當妳不需要兩杯使用時,只要將包包翻面就可以變成一杯袋使用。
隨手做環保就從自己開始.市售手搖飲料的 好幫手,從小七到星巴克.清心到COCO, 尺寸剛好,有種量身訂製的精細感. 表布採用棉布設計,讓夏日易於冒汗的冷飲 ,藉由純棉表布的吸收,不至於汗如雨下.而 棉布的設計也讓它易於乾燥. 當然沾染到妳的卡布奇諾也方便清洗.
『束口小物收納袋』~ 那些充電線還是小公仔玩具,繩子一拉簡單完成收納。 那些充電器、瓶瓶罐罐或是小朋友的玩具娃娃,找不到專屬收納時,這樣便捷的小袋就是他們的家。 ---------------- Multipurpose Drawstring Bag .Drawstring closure that securely keeps the bag closed and prevents the tiniest of your items from falling out. .Foldable ,portable and lightweight when travelling. Cotton, washable. Perfect for organizing your personal, household, and travel items, suitable for both home and travel. .Multi Purpose/Using: Can be applied to store gifts, jewelries, snacks, cream jars, makeup bottle, coins, candy, wedding favors, watches,chains, bracelets, sachets, etc ---------------- 型號:C12S 尺寸: ( L) x 17x 19 (H) cm
除了文具收納,這樣的長型載體 對於銀行儲金存摺也可方便的置放. 扁平設計雙拉鍊格層,內層鋪棉車縫, 用於隨身硬碟及相應線材收納,也相當便利好用. //產品結構// 側邊附有尼龍織帶提把 表面材質為防水布料 內層縫製泡棉 內裏印製品牌LOGO 雙拉鍊隔層設計
『適合裝飲料/ 保溫瓶/ 雨傘/ 紅酒』 高度適合裝載1500CC的水瓶、保溫瓶 ,置放紅酒或是700CC酒類瓶身也合適 . 附註:此提袋無保溫的功能! Our water bottle carrier will be a good helper for your bottle when going outside and it can greatly free your hands. This portable water carrier is suitable for various bottles for 1500ml, such as, stainless steel, glass, plastic bottles, sport and energy drinks. It can better protect your bottle from being scratched, scraping, extrusion and so on. Water bottle carrier can only play the role of protecting the water bottle and making it easy to carry the water bottle, and does not have the effect of keeping the water bottle warm and cold. 型號:C8M 尺寸:13(W) x 13(L) x 27(H) cm