適合輕便外出,只想攜帶錢包、餐盒、飲料等簡單的物品 。輕薄的尺寸可摺疊收納在日常使用的大包中,外出用餐 就派上用場了。 早餐、午餐、晚餐或是只是逛街的小提袋。 瓶裝600c.c以及星巴克特大杯也可置入,右圖即是置放範 例。 You can carry lunch boxes, snacks, drinks, they are very lightweight tote bags, you can also use it as a picnic bags, sundries bags or shopping bags.
『伸縮自如的證件錢包 』 雙面的卡片置放層,一般門禁卡可置放,不用 取出卡片即可通過讀卡感應。 2 large clear ID window ,Front anf Back Card Slots for easy management and access. 1 zipper pocket in the middle. Clear layout and compact design is made for your easy access to coin and credit cards. 頸繩與伸縮拉拉的搭配讓整體可以活動長度到了76公分. 讓你不用特別取下就可以優雅刷卡進站!! This badge holder has a retractable lanyard, which able to extend to 41 cm, you just need to pull your badge holder and swipe your cards and through the door elegantly and fastly rather than take it off or struggle to get your body close to the card reader. 型號:A12 尺寸:10.5(L) x 1.2(W) x 7 (H) cm
經典的L拉鍊設計 /將您的手機穩固的放好 /側邊的一字拉鍊 /讓您多了置放鈔票卡片的小空間 適合16(H) X 10 (L) cm 的手機使用