『小籠包』收納硬幣的四方小玩意!!✔使用牢固的四合扣。✔可置放30枚10元硬幣。✔小巧輕鬆放入口袋外出。✔便利的開闔方式,不用浪費時間在拉鍊上。 型號:A9 尺寸:6.5(L) x 7(W) x 1(H) cm ------------------------------------- [ Pocket Coin Purse ] ✔Great for those who want small cash and coin purses instead of bulky traditional wallets. ✔Povides convenient opening and closing methods,so you don’t have to waste time fumbling with zippers. ✔Coin wallet enough to accommodate 30 coins. ✔It easily fits inside your pocket, handbag, backpack and more.
便於一手拿取的大小,也方便於置放於隨身的小 包.內層豐富的卡片收納隔層搭配大尺寸的硬幣 收納,輕巧的外觀也有豐富的內在. 內層也可搭配護照使用,讓中夾成了護照包.。 ---------------- Compact yet small enough to put into your coat pocket or your cross body bag.Roomy enough for fitting plenty of cards, change and some bills, coins, keep them well organize.型號:X6 尺寸:10(L) x 2(W) x 15.5(H) cm
以一個媽媽的角度來做設計。上市場時錢包和手機是不能離身, 但左提水果右拿豬五花,再多拿個長夾手機包是在考驗媽媽雜耍 技能嘛!! 而在人多擁擠的市場盡管治安良好,也還是有扒手出沒,你可以 試看看這款地方媽媽的好夥伴!!
『伸縮自如的證件錢包 』 雙面的卡片置放層,一般門禁卡可置放,不用 取出卡片即可通過讀卡感應。 2 large clear ID window ,Front anf Back Card Slots for easy management and access. 1 zipper pocket in the middle. Clear layout and compact design is made for your easy access to coin and credit cards. 頸繩與伸縮拉拉的搭配讓整體可以活動長度到了76公分. 讓你不用特別取下就可以優雅刷卡進站!! This badge holder has a retractable lanyard, which able to extend to 41 cm, you just need to pull your badge holder and swipe your cards and through the door elegantly and fastly rather than take it off or struggle to get your body close to the card reader. 型號:A12 尺寸:10.5(L) x 1.2(W) x 7 (H) cm
筆袋,這個詞是很有侷限性的 .嚴格來說可以說就是只放筆嗎? 其實我們更覺得他是一款收納袋. 以這樣的尺寸, 來置放妳日常的小物不論是往裏頭放了什麼 至少它就是裝載著你的日常 //產品結構// 側邊附有尼龍織帶提把 表面材質為防水布料 內層縫製泡棉 內裏印製品牌LOGO
一抽一拉 /抽張衛生紙來潔淨生活的髒汙. /去除單調的外包裝, /讓他增加點行動力,可掛的設計, /讓他可以陪你上山下海.附註:防水布版的沒有內裏布喔!!
【貼身小包也要隔層多多】 兩用的小包,可斜背也可當手拿包. 豐富的5層格層,還有輕薄的材質選用. 俐落優雅又極富收納性. This envelope style mini crossbody purse is adorable convenient, and compact. This stylish small size crossbody purse with adjustable long shoulder strap with top zipper closures that can be worn many different ways.Perfect for those sunny days when carrying a handbag is not an option.Good for both traveling and everyday use. This trendy fashionable bag for women features 4 main compartments.Interior contains 1 zipper pocket and 2 pocket.
這裝不下A4資料夾. 這也裝不下2公升的保溫瓶>.< 這當然也裝不下14吋的筆電>~< 這樣的尺寸 裝得下我的長夾 / 手機 / 隨手杯 它適合現在的我,那也適合妳嗎? //產品結構// 內層有一個開放式口袋 非密合式拉鍊開口 品牌造型拉鍊 背面有一個拉鍊口袋 面料材質為防水布 內裏為品牌印製尼龍布料
從上班要用的A4資料夾 /還有待會等車時要看的雜誌 /當然還有提神的咖啡隨手杯 /剛剛廣播說可能會下雨 /摺疊傘也少不了./ 你的包,建構你的生活.
『資料收納袋』~ 你的文件收納管家。 辦公外出一袋輕便 置放IPAD或旅行手帳帳單收據平整收納 便利收納收據或是各式信封文件整齊不散亂寶寶外出整理袋 尿布 口水巾 濕紙巾 替換衣物 便利攜帶旅行盥洗用品袋 旅行的瓶罐就讓他來保護 ---------------- .Double zipper design:Two pockets, large capacity allows you to better keep and classify your passports, licenses, USBs disks and CDs deeds. ---------------- 型號:L15 尺寸: 29( L) x 0.5x 23 (H) cm