適合輕便外出,只想攜帶錢包、餐盒、飲料等簡單的物品 。輕薄的尺寸可摺疊收納在日常使用的大包中,外出用餐 就派上用場了。 早餐、午餐、晚餐或是只是逛街的小提袋。 瓶裝600c.c以及星巴克特大杯也可置入,右圖即是置放範 例。 You can carry lunch boxes, snacks, drinks, they are very lightweight tote bags, you can also use it as a picnic bags, sundries bags or shopping bags.
《両用包款新選択》 豊富的隔層設計 搭配多樣的使用方式 大容量的使用空間 満足上班或外出遊憩的需求 【Multi Compartment】Three big compartments , and many any other small pockets, can org- anize highly effective your essentials suitable for almost any occasion. 【Style】Humanization design and multi-functi- onal bag. Come with an adjustable long shoul- der strap, can be used as a tote / shoulder bag / crossbody bag / daybag, great for ever- yday use. It's also a fabulous gift idea for veryone.
《両用包款新選択》 豊富的隔層設計 搭配多樣的使用方式 大容量的使用空間 満足上班或外出遊憩的需求 【Multi Compartment】Three big compartments , and many any other small pockets, can org- anize highly effective your essentials suitable for almost any occasion. 【Style】Humanization design and multi-functi- onal bag. Come with an adjustable long shoul- der strap, can be used as a tote / shoulder bag / crossbody bag / daybag, great for ever- yday use. It's also a fabulous gift idea for veryone.
不僅是證件套,側邊的拉鍊小口袋,讓您可以帶點零錢. 在投販賣機時的當下,不用還要另外帶著零錢包. 正反各可置放兩張卡片.在多的置放空間也沒有了. 畢竟這只是一個掛在脖子上的證件套.
多一層不嫌多,經典拉鍊長夾再蛻變,給妳更多的收納空間. 外在簡單,內在能裝,恰到好處的容量,妳需要的我們一個都不能少. //產品結構// 8張卡片置放 3層紙鈔置放層 1個拉鍊夾層 背面另有小費袋設計
Beauty Case /一個裝滿了魔法的化妝箱 /將各種讓妳變美的道具裝載一起 /妥善的分類讓妳化妝時不再像戰爭 /搭配各式的收納盒 /讓妳輕鬆完成美好妝容
Beauty Case /一個裝滿了魔法的化妝箱 /將各種讓妳變美的道具裝載一起 /妥善的分類讓妳化妝時不再像戰爭 /搭配各式的收納盒 /讓妳輕鬆完成美好妝容