『 小尺寸零錢包』~ 大容量收納好夥伴
SIMPLE BUT PRACTICAL - Very simple design, practical for everyday use; perfect size for a bit of change, a few coins and keys; keepyour coins, car keys, or any other small items handy while you are on the go with
this cute little zipper coin purse .
尺寸:7.2 ( L) x 4 ( W) x 7 (H) cm
『 口金化妝包』~隨身補妝小物 以日常使用為起點將隨身補妝的小物,裝載在繽紛感十足的小包. 是隨身化妝包亦是甜美十足的生活小物 Whenever travelling or shopping, you can put it into good use with your mobile phone, lipsticks, mirror and others stored in it. 使用ㄇ型的開口讓視野更好,但要注意開合的時候,還請先將開口闔起後再拉鍊,避免將拉片拉斷! 型號:E4S 尺寸:17(L) x 8.2(W) x 10(H) cm 註:
小物收納用,線控耳機、充電線、隨身藥品、 還有些無法細分的建構生活的小玩意. Use to collect coins,changes,keys,little cosmetic,cards,headset,USB charger and other baubles. It's a ideal litte bag for outdoor activities,shopping,travelling,etc.
『 小尺寸零錢包』~ 大容量收納好夥伴 總是習慣得拿出大鈔,換來頗具份量的零錢. 省錢從化零為整開始,替你的零錢找個家. 消費前請注意一下這可愛的小袋子!! ---------------- SIMPLE BUT PRACTICAL - Very simple design, practical for everyday use; perfect size for a bit of change, a few coins and keys; keepyour coins, car keys, or any other small items handy while you are on the go with this cute little zipper coin purse . ---------------- 型號:A1 尺寸:7.2 ( L) x 4 ( W) x 7 (H) cm